The Coal County Genealogical Society

Where are we located?
The Coal County Genealogical Society
is located inside the Coalgate Public Library
at the corner of Ohio and Byrd Streets in Coalgate, OK.

The mailing address is:

P. O. Box 436
Coalgate, OK 74538

The phone number is:

Genealogy Society Hours
Tuesday - 11:00 - 2:00
Friday - 11:00 - 2:00 

These hours are not set in stone . Call if you are visiting the library from out of town to set up an appointment to meet with someone other than the days and hours listed.

Genealogy Society Member Meeting

The Genealogical Society group meets at the
genealogy library at 10:30 A.M. on the
second Monday of each month.
All members are encouraged to attend
and visitors are welcome.

CCGS 2010 Board of Directors
President - Verdell Clark
Vice President - Bill Avanzini
Recording Secretary - Johnnie Hudson
Corresponding Secretary & Senior Researcher - Elsie Rumley
Treasurer - Zelma
Historian - Julie Hampton
Parlamentarian - Lorene Carruthers
Editors - Larry & Nancy Bowerman

The Coal County Genealogical Society was started in 1993
The first Board Members are listed below:
President: Naomi Mayer
Vice President: Leon McCoy
Sec/Treas: Jimmye Watson
Corresponding Secretary: Nadine Guinn

The Coal County Genealogical Society ©2010

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