Angie's Cemetery Index

Last Update: 25 Sep 2006

You will soon be able to search this index two ways.

1. Click on the letters below and it will take you to a database where
every name in every cemetery will be listed here in alphabetical order.
This will make it very easy to locate people. Not all Coal County cemeteries are in here yet.

Coming Soon...
2. Click on the name of the cemetery in the table below next to the description
of the cemetery and it will take you to names only in that particular cemetery.


A Ba-Bl Bo-By Ca-Ch Ci-Cu D E F G Ha-He Hi-Hy I J K L
Mc Ma-My N O P Q R Sa-Si Sk-Sy T U V W Y Z

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Cemetery Name
Information about Cemetery
Boiling Springs

Earliest known death date: 1971
Last known death date: 1991
Recorded burials in this database from this cemetery: 13
Transcribed: June 1984 by Elsie Rumley, Joyce Fay Rumley Wilson & Jim Wilson
Location: Approx. 7-1/2 miles North of Centrahoma, North of Church. It is an Indian Cemetery

Byrds Prairie
Earliest known death date: 1895
Last known death date: 2005
Recorded burials in this database from this cemetery: 810
Location: South of Tupelo on State Highway 48, a few miles out.
Earliest known death date: 1898
Last known death date: 2005
Recorded burials in this database from this cemetery: 203
Transcribed: 16 May 2004 by Randal Long & Angie Jenkins
To make donations contact: Carl McEntire
Rt. 1 Box 680 * Coalgate, OK 74538
Phone: 580-927-3023

Earliest known death date: 1916
Last known death date: 1938
Recorded burials in this database from this cemetery: 16
Location: South of Coalgate about 1-1/2 miles near Phillips, in an open pasture where undergrowth is thick.
Some information from 29 Oct 1966 submitted by Lee Eliston to the CCGS. Calvary Cemetery was erected by William Corcoran 1 Mar 1916. There are several unmarked graves and lots with 6" curbings.

Earliest known death date: 1902
Last known death date: 2006
Recorded burials in this database from this cemetery: 1499
This information was submitted by Charles Canida of the Centrahoma Cemetery Association. To make a donation to the Centrahoma Cemetery Association for up keep of the cemetery you can write to: P. O. Box 96, Centrahoma, OK 74534
Or email Mr. Canida at:
Mr Canida has offered to send us updates from time to time to keep things current. Thank you very much for this contribution and helping all the researchers by making this available to us on the internet. We appreciate you very much.

Earliest known death date: 1905
Last known death date: 1905
Recorded burials in this database from this cemetery: 1
Information submitted by Elsie Rumley
Location: From Coalgate on 75 to Lehigh turn right (West) o Main Street. Go on road until you have to turn left, stay on it for approx 1-1/2 mile to the first permanent road to the right (West), stay on that road for about 2-2/3 mile, you are at the old Grasshopper School location. The last 3/4 mile looks like a lane. A Miles Jones has a home there. We walked aboaut 1/4 mile North of his house up into the woods. I found two graves with walls about 3ft. high around them. One had a rock. Just south of the graves was another but marked with a rock at head and foot. Mr Jones did not think this was Grasshopper Cemetery but said he hadn't been there in about 20 years.
This cemetery is about 1/4 mile South of Benjamin Smallwood grave, both on Cowboy Longs, Ranch.
Davis or Old Davis
Earliest known death date: 1894
Last known death date: 1916
Recorded burials in this database from this cemetery: 14
Transcribed: 4 Oct 1992 by Doris W. Breger
Location: West of Four Corners, about 1/4 mile off road on private land. Hard to find. Some graves marked with sandstones, no data.
Earliest known death date: 1903
Last known death date: 1986
Recorded burials in this database from this cemetery: 34
Transcribed: 18 Feb 1999 by Doris Breger
Location: West of Lehigh
This is an African American Cemetery with 21 marked graves and approx 50 graves marked with sandstone rocks.
Earliest known death date: 1899
Last known death date: 1995
Recorded burials in this database from this cemetery: 90
Transcribed: 14 Nov 1996 by CCGS
At this time the Sing and Shores Family Plots were the only ones mowed and clean.
Location: Between Coalgate and Calvin. About 4 miles West of Coalgate on Highway 3W, turn North on Highway 75 and go 8.8 miles to Pine and Legal Road. Turn West, go 2 miles, 1 mile South, 1/2 mile West. Cemetery on left about 1/4 mile off road on hill.
Earliest known death date: 1895
Last known death date: 1905
Recorded burials in this database from this cemetery: 4
Location: In a grove of trees South East of Clarita about 3 miles
At one time had a picket fence around cemetery

Earliest known death date: 1883
Last known death date: 2003
Recorded burials in this database from this cemetery: 30
Transcribed: 10 Nov 2003 by Randal Long & Angie Jenkins
Location: On the North side of Highway 31, 1/10 mile East of intersection of Highway 31 & 31B.

Earliest known death date: 1926
Last known death date: 1941
Recorded burials in this database from this cemetery: 3
Tanscribed: 10 Nov 2003 by Randal Long & Angie Jenkins
Location: East of Olney, inside a chain link fenced lot just off the side of the road.
Earliest known death date: 1928
Last known death date: 1932
Recorded burials in this database from this cemetery: 2
Transcribed: 15 Mar 2004 by Randal Long & Angie Jenkins
Location: Near Nixon Cemetery in a fenced in lot just off the side of the road. The yellow daffodills were in bloom around the graves and made them look loved & fixed up special for spring.
Earliest known death date: 1901
Last known death date: 1911
Recorded burials in this database from this cemetery: 7
Location: N. E. of Coalgate on Highway 31, approx. 15 miles, 4 miles East, 8-1/2 miles North, 2 miles East, 2 miles North on Highway 31. This cemetery is unmarked. An old chimney stands in a feed lot on the West side of the road. Here, walk around a lake and back West on top of a knoll in a grove of trees. There is a barbed wire fence. According to some old settlers, this was one of the first Choctaw Indian Settlements in Coal County. The lake East of the Cemetery is spring fed.
Earliest known death date:
Last known death date:
Recorded burials in this database from this cemetery:
Larry & Nancy Bowerman have just finished photographing this entire cemetery. Watch for current and corrected information to come soon. Thank you both for taking on this large project. This new information will help many of us in our research.
Lone Star Indian
Lone Star - Old
Earliest known death date: 1914
Last known death date: 1996
Recorded burials in this database from this cemetery: 36
Transcribed: 1983 by Janice Allen, Gwen Walker, & Evelyn Youngblood.
Transcribed: June 1984 by Elsie Rumley and Joyce Rumley Wilson. 1983 & 1984 several lists combined.
Info on unmarked graves submitted by: Mrs. Ellie Pickens
Old Lone Star Cemetery is approx. 500 feet across the draw from Lone Star.
Location: From Wardville go 1/2 mile West & turn right (North) Continue North for 4 miles until you reach the Lone Star Indian Church. Cemetery located on the right, next to the road.
Earliest known death date: 1898
Last known death date: 2006
Recorded burials in this database from this cemetery: 326
Transcribed: 5 July 2003 by Randal Long & Angie Jenkins
Updated and Photographed headstones: 5 Feb 2006 by Larry & Nancy Bowerman
Medicine Springs
Earliest known death date: 1910
Last known death date: 1910
Recorded burials in this database from this cemetery: 1
Note: Bill Ward told me there were many more graves here years ago that were marked with sandstones. The cemetery is eroding off into a near by creek. All will be gone soon. Just North of the cemetery is a natural spring that the Indian's called Medicine Springs, the springs ran year round. Nearby used to be an Indian campground. When he was young they found Arrow Heads all over the place.

Earliest known death date: 1897
Last known death date: 1929
Recorded burials in this database from this cemetery: 26
Transcribed: By Larry & Nancy Bowerman
Location: One mile West of Olney on the Joseph Ward property.

Earliest known death date: 1899
Last known death date: 1953
Recorded burials in this database from this cemetery: 30

Earliest known death date: 1915
Last known death date: 1915
Recorded burials in this database from this cemetery: 2
Location: North of Cottonwood, turn West at the Old Lone Star School, it is about 3/4 mile on the right, behind a house.

Earliest known death date: 1914
Last known death date: 1915
Recorded burials in this database from this cemetery: 2
Location: North of Cottonwood, TWP 2 N, Range 11 E, SE 1/4 , Sec 29.


Cemetery Name County Last Name First Name Date of Birth Date of Death Comments Veteran Section
Cairo Coal LACY Ellon Knox 9 Dec 1899 17 May 1980 Plot #19

Byrds Prairie Coal *LADD Cecil 15 May 1913 24 June 1963

Byrds Prairie Coal *LADD George Dale 13 Dec 1949 21 Feb 1981

Byrds Prairie Coal *LADD Robbie Dee 6 Dec 1949 -

Centrahoma Coal LAMMON Conrad

Centrahoma Coal LAMMON Phyllis

McCarty Coal LANCASTER Hazel Estelle Lemons ? Driskell 24 Nov 1940 19 Nov 2001 Husband: J. R. Lancaster
Married: 20 Dec 1957
Obit : CCGS Bk 2001 Pg 69

McCarty Coal LANCASTER J. R. 18 Aug 1937
Wife: Hazel E. Lancaster
Married: 20 Dec 1957

Centrahoma Coal LANDRETH Lizzie 17 Sep 1864 22 Oct 1918

Centrahoma Coal LANDRETH Lloyd 12 Nov 1917 23 Nov 1918

Centrahoma Coal LANDRETH Mariam

Centrahoma Coal LANE Burnie 28 Feb 1957 19 Oct 1990

Byrds Prairie Coal *LANKFORD Carrie M. 19 June 1898 20 Oct 1918 Wife of J. R.

McCarty Coal LANKFORD Douglas Newton 2 May 1904 20 Feb 1964 Obit: CCGS Bk 9 Pg 66

McCarty Coal LANKFORD Frank
30 Oct 1910 *12 yrs, 20 days
?Obit: CCGS Bk 10 Pg 107
William Frank Lankford

Cairo Coal LANKFORD Gean 15 Apr 1900 1936 Plot #22

Cairo Coal LANKFORD Gean, Jr. 17 Sep 1930 17 Sep 1930 Plot #22

McCarty Coal LANKFORD Jane 19 Mar 1921 16 Apr 2001

McCarty Coal LANKFORD Mary Jane (Johnston) 17 June 1874 30 Oct 1947 Obit: CCGS Bk 5 Pg 80

Byrds Prairie Coal *LANKFORD Pairlee 28 Mar 1875 6 Jan 1959 Mother

McCarty Coal LANKFORD Richard Young 10 Jan 1900 7 Oct 1900 Parents: T. N. & Mary Lankford

McCarty Coal LANKFORD Thomas N. 22 Mar 1861 12 May 1917

McCarty Coal LANKFORD Thomas Robert 24 Nov 1911 2 May 1980 Obit: CCGS Bk 12 Pg 58

McCarty Coal LANKFORD William Frank 10 Oct 1898 30 Oct 1970 Obit: CCGS Bk 10 Pg 107

Byrds Prairie Coal *LANNING Frank F.
12 Jan 1966 63Y, 3M, 25D

Byrds Prairie Coal *LANNING Lellla 31 Sep 1904 8 Dec 1982 78Y, 4M, 7D, VS, AEN

Centrahoma Coal LARABEE Lois Ann 7 Mar 1878 8 Mar 1966

Byrds Prairie Coal *LASWELL Inf. Son & Daughter 3 June 1901 3 June 1901

Byrds Prairie Coal *LASWELL Rosana 2 Dec 1880 13 June 1901 Wife of J. O.

Cairo Coal LATHAM Charlie H. 1870 1951 Plot #14

Cairo Coal LATHAM Georgia Cleo 3 Oct 1898 25 Dec 1948 Plot #14

Cairo Coal LATHAM Gordon A. 3 June 1916 21 Oct 1951 OK CPL 551 AAR BO??SQ WWII
Plot #14

Cairo Coal LATHAM Lilley 1874 1921 Plot #14

Cairo Coal LATHAM Marla (Childress) - -

Cairo Coal LATHAM Oscar 29 June 1918 3 July 1918 Plot #14

Cairo Coal LATHAM Quinn 1939 1997 Atoka F. H. Marker - Plot #14

Cairo Coal LATHAM Virgle A. 20 Apr 1894 18 May 1941 Plot #14

Byrds Prairie Coal *LAWREY George H. 1884 1941

Cairo Coal LAWSON Bernice A. (Reid) 29 Aug 1918 - Husband: David Lawson
Married: 9 Feb 1935
Children: Jimmy, Ruthy, Linda, Brenda, Dewayne

Cairo Coal LAWSON David E. 2 May 1911 16 Jan 2000 Wife: Bernice
Married: 9 Feb 1935
Children: Jimmy, Ruthy, Linda, Brenda, Dewayne
Plot #3

Centrahoma Coal LAWSON Etta E. 18 Feb 1906 9 Oct 1906

Cairo Coal LAWSON Martha L. 9 Oct 1847 15 Mar 1935 Plot #19

Centrahoma Coal LAYTON Mary

Centrahoma Coal LAYTON Mary

Lone Star Coal LEADER Morris 18 Aug 1891 26 May 1970 Age: 78Y, 9M, 8D
Cooper F. H. Marker

McCarty Coal LEAIRD Floyd Douglas May 1921 Nov 1922 Parents: Floyd & Lucretia Leaird

McCarty Coal LEAIRD Patricia Gail 22 Feb 1934 24 July 1934 Parents: Floyd & Lucretia Leaird

Cairo Coal LEE Billie Pearl 3 Aug 1929 -

Cairo Coal LEE Douglas Eugene 10 Feb 1930 30 Nov 1994 Plot #27

Byrds Prairie Coal *LEE John H. 1902 1905

Byrds Prairie Coal *LEE Renna A. 1870 1905

Centrahoma Coal LEE Roland 18 Mar 1918 26 Jan 1967

Centrahoma Coal LEE Tina Marie 14 Aug 1962 16 Aug 1962

Lone Star Coal LEFLORE Abel Paul 24 Mar 1922 12 Mar 1993

Lone Star Coal LEFLORE Glen 19 Jan 1949 20 Oct 1949 “Our Beloved Son”

Lone Star Coal LEFLORE Herman 1912 1981 Mills F. H.

Lone Star Coal LEFLORE Herman, Mrs.
4 Mar 1968 Age: 47Y
Chaney F. H., McAlester, OK

Lone Star Coal LEFLORE Michael Roy 19 Oct 1971 24 Oct 1972 “Beloved Son”

McCarty Coal LEMMONS
Etta Jeraldean 29 June 1928 5 Sep 1928

McCarty Coal LEMONS *Altha Willie
Oltha Willie
21 Sep 1904 27 Dec 1975 Mother

McCarty Coal LEMONS D. L.

McCarty Coal LEMONS Ernest R. 9 Feb 1910 22 Nov 1993 Wife: Florence E. Lemons
Married: 27 Sep 1932
Children: J. D., Betty, Joyce, Palmer, Paul, Mary, Linda
Obit: CCGS Bk 1993 Pg 41

McCarty Coal LEMONS Florence E. 2 Dec 1916
Husband: Ernest R. Lemons
Married: 27 Sep 1932
Children: J. D., Betty, Joyce, Palmer, Paul, Mary, Linda

McCarty Coal LEMONS Jimmy Ray 2 Jan 1944 4 Oct 1989 Wife: Mary Ellen Lemons
Married: 24 Apr 1989
Obit: CCGS Bk 14 Pg 88

Centrahoma Coal LEMONS Joyce Marie (Flatt) 16 Mar 1932 23 Nov 2002 Parents: Alexander Flatt & Cora Ethel Shoffit
Husband: Alford H. Lemons
Married: 27 Nov 1947
Obit - Coalgaten Record
27 Nov 2002

Centrahoma Coal LEMONS Larry 6 Nov 1957 12 Nov 2001

McCarty Coal LEMONS Luther Jay 13 Oct 1897 25 Dec 1964
*25 DEc 1962
Obit: CCGS Bk 9 Pg 30

McCarty Coal LEMONS Mary Ellen 27 Oct 1954
Husband: Jimmy Ray Lemons
Married: 24 Apr 1989

McCarty Coal LEMONS Paul Richard 18 May 1942 19 Jan 1998 Children: Chris, Brian,
Obit: CCGS Bk 1998 Pg 15, 28

McCarty Coal *LESLEY Emberry 16 Apr 1875 5 Aug 1935 Obit: CCGS Bk 3 Pg 71

McCarty Coal *LESLEY Sarah Elizabeth 24 Nov 1879 14 Apr 1966 Obit: CCGS Bk 10 Pg 5

McCarty Coal LEVY Jane 17 July 1844 14 Jan 1929

McCarty Coal LEVY Mary A. 18 Sep 1842 14 Nov 1928

McCarty Coal LEWIS Ella Maie 11 Apr 1946 25 Aug 1990 Obit: CCGS Bk 14 Pg 124

McCarty Coal LEWIS Pinknie W. 16 Jan 1888 10 Apr 1898 Parents: F & F Lewis
*Son of F. F.

Centrahoma Coal LINKER

Centrahoma Coal LINKER

Centrahoma Coal LINKER

Centrahoma Coal LINKER

Centrahoma Coal LINKER

Centrahoma Coal LINKER

Centrahoma Coal LINKER

Centrahoma Coal LINKER Ada Mildred 1891 1982

Centrahoma Coal LINKER Allen 14 Aug 1907 3 Sep 1939

Centrahoma Coal LINKER Allen 22 Mar 1871 3 Jan 1958

Centrahoma Coal LINKER B.

Centrahoma Coal LINKER Bell Payte

Parents: Daryl & Narcissa Vick Linker

Centrahoma Coal LINKER C. E. 1905 1961

Centrahoma Coal LINKER D.

Centrahoma Coal LINKER Daryl L. 8 Dec 1849 10 Dec 1915 Parents: John & Martha Linker
Wife: Narcissa Vick Linker
Married: 17 Oct 1867, AR

Centrahoma Coal LINKER Donna Rich

Parents: Daryl & Narcissa Vick Linker

Centrahoma Coal LINKER Effie 27 Mar 1912

Centrahoma Coal LINKER Fannie 4 June 1861 2 Mar 1917

Centrahoma Coal LINKER Hurbert 16 Apr 1903 18 June 1971

Centrahoma Coal LINKER James 27 Aug 1924 13 May 1946

Centrahoma Coal LINKER John P. 22 Dec 1918 14 Apr 1944

Centrahoma Coal LINKER John Robert

Parents: Daryl & Narcissa Vick Linker

Centrahoma Coal LINKER John Robert, Sr. 1869 1961

Centrahoma Coal LINKER Mary 21 Apr 1869 25 Feb 1915

Centrahoma Coal LINKER Mary 16 July 1889 11 Aug 1980

Centrahoma Coal LINKER Mary “Maggie” Grist

Parents: Daryl & Narcissa Vick Linker

Centrahoma Coal LINKER NarcissaVick 1849 1935 Husband: Daryl Linker
Married: 17 Oct 1867, AR

Centrahoma Coal LINKER Narcissus

Centrahoma Coal LINKER Nora 6 Aug 1912 7 Aug 1978

Centrahoma Coal LINKER Orabell 1914 1937

Centrahoma Coal LINKER SI, Jr.

Centrahoma Coal LINKER Simon 8 May 1886 10 Dec 1959

Centrahoma Coal LINKER Simon L. 9 May 1847 19 Oct 1914 Parents: John & Marftha Linker

McCarty Coal LIST A


Centrahoma Coal LITTLE Mary

Centrahoma Coal LITTLE Myrtle (Breedlove) 13 May 1897 7 Aug 1984

Centrahoma Coal LITTLE William V. 16 Mar 1892 30 Mar 1978

Centrahoma Coal LITTLE William V., Jr. 30 Jan 1923 23 Feb 2001

Cairo Coal LITTLE Zelmer (Baby)

Plot #14

Byrds Prairie Coal *LLOYD Lanny 20 Jan 1920 1 May 1988 PVT US ARMY AIR CORPS, WWII Y
Centrahoma Coal LOGSDON Alva 1909 1910

Byrds Prairie Coal *LONG Clara 25 Apr 1924 1934 *Cement block almost unreadable

Centrahoma Coal LOVELIS Allie

Centrahoma Coal LOVELIS William 5 Aug 1920 16 Mar 1986

Byrds Prairie Coal *LOVELL William Tony 5 Feb 1978 6 Feb 1978 Parents: Randay & Debbie Lovell

Byrds Prairie Coal *LOVING Lee - 12 Oct 1944 Son of Frank & Ella Coker,
10Y, 6M, 20D, VS

Byrds Prairie Coal *LOWDEN Gladys 14 Feb 1910 - Husband: W. D. Lowden
Married: 14 Sep 1929

Byrds Prairie Coal *LOWDEN W. D. “Bill” 31 Jan 1908 8 Sep 1974 Wife: Gladys Lowden
Married: 14 Sep 1929

Byrds Prairie Coal *LOYD Ben 21 Mar 1894 7 Apr 1960 OK PVT, CO G, 141 INF, WWI Y
Byrds Prairie Coal *LOYD Cyril Gene 2 Dec 1940 27 June 1994

Byrds Prairie Coal *LOYD Junita B. 30 June 1913 12 Aug 1993

Byrds Prairie Coal *LOYD Liberty Ben 3 Sep 191827 Jan 1973 27 Jan 1973 Wife: Oneita Clark Loyd
Married: 15 July 1939

Byrds Prairie Coal *LOYD Linda Jean 25 Aug 1944 -

Byrds Prairie Coal *LOYD Oneita Clark 13 June 1921 - Husband: Liberty B. Loyd
Married: 15 July 1939

Centrahoma Coal LUPER Hattie 4 Aug 1872 22 Oct 1945

Centrahoma Coal LUPER T. D. 4 June 1866 1 Feb 1941

Centrahoma Coal LYNCH

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Centrahoma Coal *LYNCH Bryon Glen 28 Nov 1938 3 Dec 1983

Centrahoma Coal LYNCH Byron Glen 28 Nov 1938 3 Dec 1983

Centrahoma Coal LYNCH Emma (Stockton) 27 June 1911 8 Nov 1985

Centrahoma Coal LYNCH Emmit 17 July 1910 26 Apr 1992

Centrahoma Coal LYNCH Erva Nell 15 Sep 1943

Centrahoma Coal *LYNCH Eva Nell 15 Sep 1943

Centrahoma Coal LYNCH Fred 25 June 1900 31 Mar 1951

Centrahoma Coal LYNCH Garland Gail 24 Aug 1940 31 Dec 1940

Centrahoma Coal LYNCH Gertie 15 Jan 1903 1 Nov 1918

Centrahoma Coal LYNCH Jeff

Centrahoma Coal LYNCH Melisa 1872 1947

Centrahoma Coal LYNCH Patsy 26 Aug 1929 15 July 1930

Centrahoma Coal LYNCH R. J. 1867 1940

Centrahoma Coal LYNCH Violet 6 May 1926 6 May 1926

Centrahoma Coal LYNCH William Presley 17 Oct 1957 15 Jan 1981


A Ba-Bl Bo-By Ca-Ch Ci-Cu D E F G Ha-He Hi-Hy I J K L
Mc Ma-My N O P Q R Sa-Si Sk-Sy T U V W Y Z

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